Hullo! This is Jingwei, a 3rd-year PhD candidate from NUS Sound & Music Computing Lab supervised by Prof. Ye Wang. I'm broadly interested in computer music and machine learning. I wish my research to render a better experience in enjoyment, interaction, and co-creation of music. My current research focuses on controllable music generation as an assistive tool for music creation and learning.

Before joining NUS, I acquired my B.E. with honours in Automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I was affiliated to Zhiyuan Honours Program. Since my 4th year, I have worked as a research intern with Prof. Gus Xia at Music X Lab, NYU Shanghai.

I am a professional accordion player and a Baritone singer. I proudly served in SJTU Student Choir during my undergraduate study. I enjoy light and classical music, reading, and jogging.

Recent news



    • NUS Graduate School Research Incentive Award (2023 - Present)

    • NUS President's Graduate Fellowship (2021 - Present)

    • SJTU Zhiyuan Honour Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Automation (2021)

    • SJTU Undergraduate Excellence Scholoarship (2018-2021)

    • SJTU Han-Ying-Ju-Hua Scholarship (2019-2020)

    • SJTU Zhiyuan Honours Scholarship (2017-2021)

Activities & Services

    • Invited exhibitor at IDS Open House (May 19, 2023)

    • Organizer & performer for NUS Sound and Music Computing Concert [2022] [2023]

    • Conference reviewer: ICLR 2024; ACMMM 2024

    • Senior conference volunteer: NIME 2021
