Hullo! I'm Jingwei, a fourth-year PhD candidate from the NUS Sound & Music Computing Lab, advised by Prof. Ye Wang. My research lies at the intersection of computer music and machine learning, with a particular focus on music representation learning, generative music modelling, and various MIR tasks. My goal is to enhance the enjoyment, interaction, and co-creation of music through research.
Before joining NUS, I earned my B.E. with honours in Automation in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I was part of the prestigious Zhiyuan Honours Program. In my final year, I interned at the Music X Lab, NYU Shanghai, under the mentorship of Prof. Gus Xia, with whom I am honoured to continue collaborating.
I'm a professional accordionist and a baritone singer. I proudly served in the SJTU Student Choir in my college years. I enjoy classical music, J-Pop, reading, and jogging. My favourite artist is Teresa Teng.
Structured Multi-Track Accompaniment Arrangement via Style Prior Modelling
Jingwei Zhao, Gus Xia, Ziyu Wang, and Ye Wang
In Proceedings of NeurIPS 2024
Polyffusion: A Diffusion Model for Polyphonic Score Generation with Internal and External Controls
Lejun Min, Junyan Jiang, Gus Xia, and Jingwei Zhao
In Proceedings of ISMIR 2023
Q&A: Query-Based Representation Learning for Multi-Track Symbolic Music re-Arrangement
Jingwei Zhao, Gus Xia, and Ye Wang
In Proceedings of IJCAI 2023
Beat Transformer: Demixed Beat and Downbeat Tracking with Dilated Self-Attention
Jingwei Zhao, Gus Xia, and Ye Wang
In Proceedings of ISMIR 2022
Domain Adversarial Traning on Conditional Variational Auto-Encoder for Controllable Music Generation
Jingwei Zhao, Gus Xia, and Ye Wang
In Proceedings of ISMIR 2022
AccoMontage2: A Complete Harmonization and Accompaniment Arrangement System
Li Yi, Haochen Hu, Jingwei Zhao, and Gus Xia
In Proceedings of ISMIR 2022
AccoMontage: Accompaniment Arrangement via Phrase Selection and Style Transfer
Jingwei Zhao and Gus Xia
In Proceedings of ISMIR 2021
[Oct 2023] Invited talk at SUTD Singapore: A Hierarchical Roadmap to Music Representation Learning and Pop Music Orchestration.
[May 2023] Invited exhibitor at IDS Open House: Music Style Transfer for Full-Band Accompaniment Arrangement.
[Nov 2022] Event chair and performer at NUS Sound and Music Computing Concert [videos].
Academic reviewer
The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024/2025
Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2023/2024
The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023/2024
ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM) 2024
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (TISMIR)
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)
Conferece volunteer
The International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) 2024
The New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference (NIME) 2021